So I went on a bit of a baking binge over the last 24 hours, and made not one - not two - but three different recipes featuring oranges! First of all, I'd like to share one of my dad's favourite afternoon tea treats:
Upside-down Orange Almond Cake
- 2 cups almond meal
- 2 cups all purpose flour
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 320g unsalted butter, room temperature
- 1 1/3 cup caster sugar
- 4 eggs
- 3 tbsp natural Greek yoghurt
- Zest of 2 oranges
- A thinly sliced orange
- 1 cup brown sugar
- 1/2 cup butter
- 1/2 cup heavy cream
- 1/2 tsp salt
- Preheat oven to 180C, and line a 9" springform tin with non-stick paper
- For the butterscotch: In a heavy saucepan, combine the butter and brown sugar over a medium-low heat until it turns into a sandy like texture, then slowly whisk in the cream and salt until the mixture thickens. Pour the butterscotch on the bottom of the prepared tin and line the bottom and sides with the thin slices of orange (starting in the centre and working your way around)
- For the cake batter:
- Combine the almond meal, flour, baking powder and salt in a medium bowl and set aside.
- Whisk the butter and sugar together in a large mixing bowl until light and fluffy, then beat the eggs in one at a time. Add the yoghurt and orange zest and beat until thoroughly combined, then fold in the dry flour mixture until everything is just wet. Pour batter over the orange slices, level, and pop in the oven for 60 - 70 minutes.
- Remove from the oven and allow the cake to cool in the tin for about 10 - 15 minutes before upturning onto a wire rack to cool completely.
- Serve with tea :)
I also apologise for the lack of good-quality photoes but I realise that between my job and family obligations... I don't really have all the time I used to for setting up the perfect shots despite how much I want to. I feel that I keep using that as an excuse to not post anymore. I miss blogging, really, just the seemingly senseless activity of talking to myself. So I hope you guys don't mind... I just really love having this outlet.
Much love, hope you enjoy the recipe and cake!
Much love, hope you enjoy the recipe and cake!
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